visited Marrakech

The ONE AND ONLY place I realized that I had better cover my white face up with a woolen scarf and keep my down parka hood as tight as possible around my face was in a remote train station of Mongolia, heading for the Siberian border. The Mongolian men were huge, and mainly drunk on vodka. The female Mongolian teachers I traveled with were careful and extremely cautious of having me be seen . . . and I watched and listened to their cues. In the middle of the night, in the middle of "nowhere" and totally freezing cold, the name of the game is take your cue from the locals.
I am visited Marrakech last year. I did find the hassling by children, beggars and vendors annoying, and it reminded me how much more relaxed a time I have visiting countries like Spain and Greece where this happens so much less. So as a woman you'd have this on top of unwanted male attention, and it all depends how thick your skin is but I agree it is more of an irritation than a danger. Regarding dress, most of the girls in the French school near I was staying wore short skirts and I saw plenty with sleeveless tops, so I think the dress thing is less critacal than in other muslim countries.
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