Moral balance of the caravan 7-10 November 2012

The caravan WAGGGS is held every year in partnership with the Foundation Attijari Wafabank and the Ministry of Education in order to help the Moroccans in the preparatory classes to prepare Moroccan competitions grandes écoles in France. Major event of the year 2013, the date was moved forward to November rather than February as was the tradition, for several reasons:
- The choice of banks are events in December
- The contest preparation is done throughout the year, it is recommended that the advice of methodology do at the beginning of the year
But this decision was accompanied by a time constraint at the holiday schedule, the teams then had to solve to make the tour in three days instead of five days. In order not to reduce the number of sites visited, it was decided to set up three teams to make the caravan engineers instead of two teams.
All directors were aware of our arrival and provided us with the necessary equipment for our presentations.
The most common questions among scientists concerning the TIPE, preparation, registration procedures, scholarships. In some centers, such as Mohammedia, students were unaware that the visa after the results of the writing was systematic. As for the commercial, they were concerned about how to finance education after integration of schools, procedures for obtaining visa, reconciling the preparation of Moroccan and French competition and registration procedures to university in France.
For years, we offer the following improvements:
- Upstream posters should be sent in the event prépas two weeks before the caravan.
- The first year students are expected to attend as well.
- There should be more time for presentations, and prevent managers.
- Cover more centers: Laayoune, Goulmim, Errachidiya ... Admittedly, this is more expensive, but students in these remote towns really need guidance and information. Maintaining the format of three groups, and with a week to the caravan as the previous editions, this solution is feasible.
- In the center of Al Khansae in Casablanca should ask the director to release them so they can come to Mohammed V.
Immersion in the world WAGGGS enough to convince the involvement of the Moroccan youth living in France is undeniable. Young AMGEistes current, which for the most part, have gone through two or three years of preparatory classes are not unaware that support is essential for these young Moroccans who prepare their contest. The word master WAGGGS Caravan is "focus".
A thank the participants of the Caravan 2012:
Team of business
Fattouma Belahcen - ESC Grenoble / Oualid Bouslame - ESSEC / Marwane Haddioui - ESSEC / Dfaili Othmane - ESCP Europe
Team of engineers
Omar El Hosni - Polytechnic / Amal EL YACOUBI - Central / Nouha M'hamdi - Central / Mortaziq Aida - ESTP / Yasser Bensallam - Central
Marouane Bouzafour - ENSEIRB-MATMECA / Bachir El Khadir - Polytechnique / Mohamed El Azzouzi - Polytechnique / Badr-Eddine El Haimer - Polytechnique
Fatine Berdouzi - ENSI Bourges
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