Celebration is another major feature of great Morocco culture. Traditions and local customs of Morocco have resulted in celebrations and festivals all over year. Morocco festivals and events play major role in the colorful culture of Morocco.

Green Tea with mint is a moroccan tradition of hospitality:
made by steeping green tea with mint leaves, is very popular, and many Moroccans drink it several times throughout the day and evening. Moroccans are famous for their hospitality, and it is Moroccan etiquette to offer tea to any visitors that might stop by. Although the tea is usually prepared with a generous amount of spearmint leaves, other herbs such as absinthium or wild mint might be used.
At one time, mint tea was ceremoniously prepared in front of guests. This tradition still takes place at some formal occasions.During the tea ceremony, the host or hostess sits before a tray holding decorated glasses and two tea pots. Fresh mint leaves (or other herbs), dried green tea leaves, sugar and boiling water should be nearby.
The host begins by rinsing the tea pots with boiling water. He then then adds the tea leaves to each pot, and rinses the leaves with a little boiling water. The water is discarded.
Sugar is added to the pots and the host fills them with boiling water. The tea steeps for several minutes before being stirred, and then the host fills the tea glasses halfway while pouring simultaneously from both pots. The pouring is usually done from a height of twelve inches or more.

In the month of February, Moroccans celebrate Aid Al Adha or Aid el-Khebir. This Morocco festival is celebrated in the honor of Abraham's sacrifice. A commemoration feast is also held during this festival. Fatih Mouharam is an immensely popular Moroccan festival and event. It is the Islamic New Year and is usually celebrated in the month of March.
In order to honor the coronation of King Mohammad VI, a national holiday is observed. This popular Morocco festival and event is known as Aid el Arch. Aid el Arch is celebrated all across the country with great fun and fervor. Another immensely popular Morocco festival is Fez. It is the annual music festival, where musicians from all over the world take active participation. If you want to enjoy this festival then you must book in advance.
Most expensive Morocco festival and event is South of Marrakesh. Traders from distant region come here for selling their works, such as rugs, blankets, silver and copper kitchenware, homespun wool djellabas and silhams. If you are looking for some great public celebration in Morocco then participate in the Celebration of the Throne. This immensely popular festival is celebrated with parades and fireworks all over the country. For more festivals and events CLICK HERE
There are two holidays in Islam: Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. The first marks the end of a month of fasting in Ramadan, and the second commemorates the willingness of the Prophet Abraham to obey God and sacrifice his son. Congregational Eid prayers are held on both days.
in Morocco the holidays tend to be observed more quietly and privately, with many families following an Eid tradition of buying new clothes for children, preparing sweets and special meals, and paying visits to family.
Moroccans celebrate also other significant days, such as the birthday of Prophet Mohammed and the islamic new year (HIJRI).
So, do not think twice and get ready for an exciting vacation package to Morocco and cherish the memory of great Morocco festivals and events.
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