Moroccan Adventures With Air Tickets to Morocco

The magic of Marrakech and Casablanca, the rolling dunes of Sahara desert and the soaring beauty of Atlas Mountains! There are plenty of reasons to choose Moroccan holidays.

The imperial cities of Marrakech and Casablanca top the travel itineraries of vacationers grabbing flights to Morocco. These cities are laden with tourist delights and promise to dazzle tourists with a multitude of attractions and shopping options.

With top class airports, these grand cities are easily accessible for tourists taking flights to Morocco. Unsurprisingly, numerous airlines sell cheap tickets to these destinations encouraging countless tour operators to sell customized holiday packages for these cities. The efficient shuttle service and airport trains make these cities even more appealing.


This thriving city is an enigmatic melting pot of traditional and modern traits. Casablanca rewards visitors with delightful sightseeing wonders that make one's stay in the city gratifying. Unsurprisingly, Casablanca flights sell like hot cakes.

A perfect refuge for pilgrims, the Hassan II Mosque is an intricately designed mosque that proudly propounds the Arabic architectural genius and welcomes cultural enthusiasts. Hassan II Mosque entices devotees from around the globe to look for Casablanca flights.

For budget travellers taking cheap flights to Morocco, there is no dearth of cheap dinning options and New Medina is one of the finest of them all. This unique dinning location in Casablanca has a maze of fast food chains and restaurants that serve delectable cuisines.

The Square of Mohammed V is a trendy shopping location in Casablanca and is hugely popular among the visitors. It houses string of stores that sell clothes, perfumes, books, and other items at competitive prices.


Marrakech is an archetypal Arabic town. The fascinating cultural and historical legacy of the city is a big temptation for leisure vacationers. The city is hit even among budget travellers as numerous carriers provide cheap Marrakech flights. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that most who book Marrakech flights are the travellers with modest travel budget. Lavish holidays in Marrakech are no problem too.

Tourist charms in Marrakech like Koutoubia Mosque, Dar Si Said Museum beguile art-enthusiasts to look for tickets to Morocco.

Rue Souq Smarine, a popular tourist location in Marrakech, is home to traditional bazaars and entices bargain hunters to book cheap flights to Morocco. The bazaars remain crammed full of tourists haggling hard to pick up souvenir items at rock-bottom prices. Spices, dry fruits, jewellery, carpets, wooden handicrafts, fabrics, shoes and cookware- these local bazaars offer almost every conceivable product and that too at dirt cheap prices!

Numerous food stalls and vendors at popular dinning locations in Marrakech serve some flavoursome cuisines. Foodies get spoilt for choice as the spread encompasses global as well as ethnic cuisines.

Experienced content writer and editor, Jack Olivor has been working with Southall Travel for 3 year. He is consultant and expert advisor on cheap flights to Morocco and writing various tips and advices on holidays and travel industry. Visit for more information about him.

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Flights to Marrakech From Continental Europe

There are many ways to travel from Continental Europe to Marrakech. One of the easiest ways is to travel by airplane. You can also drive from Spain to Morocco as well. Driving is not always the best way to go though when there are many flights to Marrakech from continental Europe. These flights are not as expensive as one might think and there are many deals being offered.

If you are planning a trip to Europe, you might also want to take a side trip to Africa. You can do this by going to Morocco which is the northernmost country on the African continent. It is also the African country that is closest to Europe and offers languages from Spanish, French and even English. Morocco is a melting pot of artisans and people who are seeking to get away from commercial living. These people seek out places like Marrakech where they can have the modern day luxuries without the hustle and bustle of modern day life.

For a flight that is only going to cost a couple of hundred dollars more, you can also experience this historic city that is a popular get away for many people. Not only are you going to be able to take a quick jump to another continent that is full of history, but you can take many of the day trips offered that are going to get you even more away from it all. Your family is going to benefit from getting some history of the country and you are going to benefit from the quiet and tranquility of many of the day trips.

There are the High Atlas Mounts that offer mule rides to tour the largest peaks in Morocco. You can stay at a Berber Guesthouse where you are going to be treated to local customs. There are also five star resorts and restaurants for those with a taste for the high life. There are trips that are going to fit into any budget and lifestyle choice.

There are flights that leave most of the main cities in Continental Europe so fitting a quick trip to Marrakech Riad can be done from any European destination you have chosen. If you are planning a trip to tour Europe, then you are definitely going to want to make a quick trip to Marrakech as well for the above reasons.

There are many package deals that are available when booking trips so make sure you speak to your travel agent and make sure you take a few days to visit this historic country. You are going to be able to find a package that easily suits your budget as well as your taste for travel. Do not miss out seeing one of the most picturesque countries in the world when you travel to Europe. It will be a short flight that is not going to put any extra strain on your current travel budget.

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De cultuur van Marokko

Het Koninkrijk Marokko is de meest westelijke van de Noord-Afrikaanse landen die bekend staan als de Maghreb - de "Arabische West". Het heeft Atlantische en mediterrane kusten, een ruige bergen interieur en een geschiedenis van onafhankelijkheid niet gedeeld door zijn buren.

De rijke cultuur is een mix van Arabische, Berber, Europese en Afrikaanse invloeden.

Marokko werd een Frans protectoraat van 1912 tot 1956, toen Sultan Mohammed werd koning. Hij werd in 1961 opgevolgd door zijn zoon, Hassan II, die regeerde voor 38 jaar en speelde een prominente rol in de zoektocht naar vrede in het Midden-Oosten.

Hij onderdrukt ook meedogenloos binnenlandse oppositie. Een waarheidscommissie instellen voor het onderzoeken van schendingen van de mensenrechten tijdens zijn regeerperiode bevestigde bijna 10.000 gevallen, variërend van dood in gevangenschap tot gedwongen ballingschap.

Hassan de zoon en opvolger in 1999, Mohammed VI, is een voorzichtige globalist die sommige economische en sociale liberalisering heeft ingevoerd. In 2011 hij de Grondwet in reactie op "Arabische lente" protesten herzien, en een nieuwe regering in januari 2012 benoemd. Krachtige vakbonden wachtte tot mei te lanceren massale protesten tegen de autoriteiten falen aan de democratische en economische verwachtingen.

De status van de Westelijke Sahara nog steeds niet opgelost. Marokko gehecht de gebied in 1975 en een guerrillaoorlog met Algerijnse-backed pro-onafhankelijkheid krachten eindigde in 1991. Pogingen van de VN hebben verzuimd de politieke impasse te doorbreken.

Een geschil met Spanje in 2002 over de kleine Peterselie-eiland in het noorden, nieuw leven ingeblazen de kwestie van de soevereiniteit van Melilla en Ceuta. Deze kleine enclaves op de Middellandse-Zeekust zijn omringd door Marokko en zijn toegediend door Spanje voor eeuwen.

Marokko heeft de status van niet-NAVO-bondgenoot gekregen door Washington, die haar steun voor de ons-geleide oorlog tegen het terrorisme heeft geprezen. Na dodelijke zelfmoordaanslagen in Casablanca in 2003 gelanceerd Marokko een hardhandig optreden tegen verdachte islamitische militanten.

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