My Moroccan Adventure - How I Fell in Love in Morocco

My Moroccan adventure started out as a man in search of love. My friends and family have a hard time understanding the lengths to which I will go in my search for the ideal mate. It all started in May of 2006 when I broke up with my ex-wife. This was the second time we had split up in 2 years. However, this time was different and I just felt the need to move on so I began my search during this separation where else but the internet. And that is where I meet Hajar. In my first communication with hajar she did something that I really liked and appreciated, she gave me her phone number. I really like phone conversation and believe it or not I didn't even add text messaging to my phone until 2010.

I remember the first phone call and she said to me that she was in the car and could I call her later. At that moment I could not imagine her in the car or what type of car she was in etc. But after my first trip to Morocco I could imagine her in the car and I could remember clearly some of our very special moments together in the car.

I meet Hajar in the summer of 2006 and at that point in my marriage it looked as though we were definitely headed for a divorce. I spoke with Hajar quite often throughout that summer and got to know her very well. I don't remember exactly when but at some point in the fall of 2006 I made arrangements to visit Hajar for the first time right after the Christmas holidays. It was around this time that I decided that I needed to file for a divorce. I hold already told Hajar that I was still married and she was very understanding and still wanted me to come and meet her and her family.

So off I went and this is where my Moroccan adventure begins. I flew out of JFK with a small layover in Amsterdam. The cost of a coach flight from the New York Metro area ranges from $800.00-$1200.00 depending upon what time of year you travel so check the internet for the best prices from your area. Our services include an English speaking tour guide as well as food, lodging and transportation. Prices vary depending upon your taste. See our web page located below.

Now let's continue. I remember landing in Casa Blanca and just being overtaken by fear. My friends and family had told me that I was crazy for traveling oversees to meet a woman. After all couldn't I find a decent woman right here in the US. And what if they were right and then I really began to have doubts. I mean I didn't know Hajar or her family and I was about to get off the plane and enter a country that I was unfamiliar with and I couldn't even speak the language. But it was too late for all of that now so I de-boarded the plane and let my adventure begin.

Hajar was waiting there for me at the airport with her father. I didn't know what our plans were but I would soon find out. The airport at Casa Blanca has a train that links directly to it from the city so we purchased our tickets and boarded the train to head off to our destination. We were on our way to Mirit which at this point I was unaware of. Morocco is a Muslim country and I am Muslim. However, I am an American Muslim and I am not accustomed to the entire country shutting down for the EID. So as I would find out we were in a mad race to get back to Mirit which was 6 hours away.

The train ride from the airport at Casa Blanca to the city of Casa Blanca is about 45 minutes. From there we would catch a train to Meknes which is about 3 hrs away. The train ride was pleasant and we were both happy to finally meet. When we got off of the train in the city of Meknes we walked outside of the station which appeared to me to be dark and desolate. Her father stepped away leaving us alone for what seemed like an eternity and at that moment fear overtook me and I realized that if these people had malice in their hearts and some sort of sinister plan in mind then this would be their perfect opportunity. Upon her father's return she looked at me and translated these exact words-My father has found a car to take us to Mirit and he says that you look Moroccan so don't speak because if you do they'll know you're a foreigner and they'll want more money. All three of us entered the back seat of an older Mercedes Benz sedan diesel and Hajar was in the middle. A short time into the ride Hajar tapped her shoulder giving me a signal to rest my head on her shoulder which I gladly obliged and it was my first joyous ride in the car with Hajar.

Once we arrived at the house in Mirit I felt completely safe and was asked if I wanted to shower which of course I did since I had been traveling for more than 36 hours. After I changed we sat down for a meal, chicken taijin, oh how I can taste the food as I write these words. In Moroccan culture it is customary to eat a communal dish and for me it was a great experience. It was that night that I meet her brother Ashrof who spoke perfect English to my pleasant surprise. I spent the next 3 days enjoying the EID feast and I even had the opportunity to slaughter a lamb. My host family was very hospitable and I found the Moroccan people to be very hospitable in general. When I left Morocco after that first trip I couldn't wait to return.

The cost of a coach flight from the New York Metro area ranges from $800.00-$1200.00 depending upon what time of year you travel so check the internet for the best prices from your area. Our services include an English speaking tour guide as well as food, lodging and transportation. Prices vary depending upon your taste. For a price quote please visit our web page:

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Are You Heading To Morocco On Tour?

When it comes to listing of tourism hot spots all over the world, Morocco is a place that cannot be left out of the list. Located just a few hours of flight travel away from the major cities of the continent of Europe, the city offers the same level of enjoyment for sun-seekers, city-breakers and adventure lovers. When talking about the top holiday destinations in North Africa, this city is second place next to Egypt.

Generally, people visiting this city do not miss the camel safari in the desert and they also do not miss out the opportunity of exploring the exotic bazaars. On the other hand, most of them miss out the opportunity of taking a dive travel. This is the reason why, it is acting as hidden gem for diving enthusiasts. But, a few people, who have undergone a dive travel would have enjoyed the abounding aquatic atmosphere by beating the crowds located in other parts of Morocco.

Around 10% of the GDP of the city accounts from tourism. Some people feel that this city is not safe for tourism since recently some bombing attacks took place. But, it still remains to be a safe destination for spending holidays. This can be clearly understood from the fact that there are no governmental warnings against travel to this wonderful place. Some of the best guest houses and hotels are offering the best accommodation to the tourists from other nations. So, which is the best time to plan a Morocco Tour?

If the visitors can plan their trip any time in a year, they can avoid the month of August alone since it is the hottest month in this part of the world. It would be wise to visit during Autumn season to enjoy the wonderful climate of Morocco. Even though, accommodation costs go up during this season, it is the best time to visit.

During the autumn season, the days will be warm and nights will be cool so that enjoyment of different destinations during the Morocco tour is highly possible during this season. Trekking enthusiasts can enjoy their feast in this city since there are great opportunities for them to celebrate their trekking experience. The city also has some attractive places that remain unexplored by tourists and so touring enthusiasts can explore these places as well to make their vacation more memorable in the city of Morocco. So, there are plenty of things to enjoy in Morocco, why not plan your trip this vacation?

If you are searching for the best Morocco Tour to make your vacation as an everlasting memory, our special packages best suits your needs. We offer Marrakech Day Trips within your budget. For more details, please visit us.

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Fantastische vakantie Start met goedkope vluchten

Na de intensivering off van low cost vluchten naar Andalusië kunnen toeristen zwerven van historische tours van de oude Moorse sites van Al-Andalus naar de zonneschijn resorts van Malaga.

Voor veel mensen zijn cheap flights to Spanje allemaal over de Costa del Sol of de krioelende stadsleven van Barcelona, maar een gebied zo groot is als het Iberisch schiereiland veel meer heeft te verrassen van de bezoeker.

De zuidwestelijke regio van Andalusië is samengesteld uit acht provincies: Almeria, Cadiz, Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaen, Málaga en Sevilla. Zoals te verwachten, voor een gebied zo dicht bij Noord-Afrika, het klimaat warm en zonnig voor het grootste deel van het jaar is, steeds met name warm in de zomermaanden.

Dit is een grote aantrekkingskracht uit op mensen overweegt wanneer kan ik boeken van low cost vluchten naar Andalusië. Het warme weer begint zo spoedig maart en kan maximaal tot November. Zelfs de winters zijn mild, als regenachtig.

De regio zelf is doordrenkt van geschiedenis. Het was de site voor Rome van epische oorlog met Hannibal en Carthago en beschikt over vele overblijfselen uit de klassieke periode.

In 711-718 AD, de Omajjaden binnengevallen vanuit Marokko, en gaf de regio de naam waarvan Andalusië is afgeleid - Al-Andalus. Tijdens de komende 800 jaar van Islamitische regel werd het een centrum van leren, handel en architectuur.

Inderdaad, het is de prachtige architectonische wonderen die bezoekers aan deze dag trekken. Misschien wel is de meest bekende van deze de Alhambra - een grote, luxueuze Paleis en Fort complex dat uitkijkt op de stad Granada.

Andere wonderen van Moorse architectuur omvatten de prachtige Mesquita moskee en kathedraal in Cordoba en Sevilla's twin lekkernijen - het Alcazar paleis en de nabijgelegen kathedraal Giralda.

De grote steden in Andalusie zijn vol met bars en restaurants - waarvan vele heerlijke tapas met zeer redelijke prijzen combineren. Sevilla is beroemd als de geboorteplaats van flamenco, en is er trots op het culturele alleseters bieden een ruime keuze van locaties om te horen van de muziek en getuige het hectische dansen.

Hoewel een ver verwijderd van de verpakte resorts van de Costa del Sol, biedt de regio scores van rustige badplaatsen voor degenen die wensen te koesteren in de Andalusische zon en zwemmen in de warme wateren van de Middellandse Zee en de Atlantische Oceaan.

Slechts een paar uur rijden verder neemt noorden de reiziger in de bergen, met traditionele witgekalkte dorpen, spectaculaire landschappen en mogelijkheden voor wandelen, Fietsen, vogels kijken en zelfs skiën, in de resorts van de Sierra Nevada.

Een vakantie in Andalusië is een geweldige manier om de cultuur van Europa te combineren met de zon van de tropen en outdoor-activiteiten. Low cost vluchten naar Andalusië zijn overvloedige online en er zijn sommige grote pakket vakantie daar ook.

Kim heeft 5 jaar ervaring in de reisindustrie en het schrijven van reisinhoud voor brochures. Ze houdt van schrijven op diverse verschillende locaties.

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