Moroccan Food is Some of the Best You'll Ever Have

Moroccan Cuisine is something everyone should experience and savor. Moroccans certainly know how to eat, they have large portions of extremely healthy foods. Boy, I love Moroccans, they are a people after my heart. They believe in abundance and they never cut a meal short. You'll find Moroccan foods wonderful and the number of variations truly astounding. The spices, flavor and company is so very excellent indeed.

I'd love to introduce you to Moroccan foods because I know you'll love it like I do. I know if you get hooked you will help your health and live longer. I know it will open your mind to a whole new way of life, great food and wonderful people. A culture you need to understand and experience. It is for this reason that I am going to recommend a very excellent book to you.

You can either go out to an authentic Moroccan restaurant or you might try cooking some of your own at home. I like to do a little of both, oh yes, that book I was going to recommend to you. It's the greatest Moroccan cookbook that I have ever read:

"Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco" by Paula Wolfert; Perennial Library, Harper and Row, New York, NY; 1973

The Introduction is done by Gael Greene and the first chapter is a brief history of the Morocco and the Moroccan people. It tells of the culture and the food. There are so many easy to prepare recipes in this book and each one that I have prepared has come out magnificent. Please buy this great cookbook.

Five Essential Celebrity Experiences in Morocco

Sex and drugs first lured celebrities to Morocco in the swinging sixties. Jimi Hendrix and the Rolling Stones were among the first to arrive in 1966, and it was in Tangier that Cecil Beaton took the famous snap of the 'Stones by the hotel pool. Now that the sex and drugs are for the most part gone, the cheap filming costs and bohemian lifestyle keeps Southern Morocco's celeb quotient high. However, you don't have to be on a celebrity budget to enjoy the A-list lifestyle that Morocco has to offer. Here's a list of the top five celebrity experiences in Morocco with something to suit every budget.

Taking Afternoon Tea with Richard Branson

Situated high in the Atlas Mountains, Richard Branson's exclusive 'Kasbah Tamadot' is a world away from the bustling souks and medinas of Marrakech. The retreat, which primarily is a luxury hotel in Morocco, is everything that you would imagine a multimillionaire's African hideaway to be. At night, you can sample the culinary delights of its two onsite restaurants, but Kasbah Tamadot is also open during the day for a traditional Moroccan mint tea, served the traditional Berber way with lashings of sugar and sickly sweet baklava.

Enjoy your tea whilst overlooking the famous reflected pool and afterwards be sure to take look around the luxury hotel in Morocco with its individually decorated rooms and onsite camel petting farm. After filling up on sugary tea, don't miss the opportunity to take a hiking tour to a nearby Berber village, those of you with under-12's or after a more relaxing Moroccan holiday, will be pleased to note that there's also the option of travelling there first-class by mule.

Visit Yves St. Laurent's Moroccan Muse

Inside the walled city where pollution producing transport is banned, the optimum way of getting out and about is by horse-drawn carriage. There is little more romantic than travelling by horse and visiting the beautiful blue-hued gardens of Yves St. Laurent. This garden was often cited as inspiration for Algerian born, Yves St. Laurent's garments and his ashes are sprinkled here on the grounds.

If you want to experience some Islamic culture during your Moroccan holiday, then return during the daylight hours and visit the Museum of Islamic Art, whose cobalt blue walls provide the perfect backdrop to Yves' Moroccan muse.

Above Par at a Course Fit for a President

Golf isn't usually the first thing to spring to mind when Morocco is mentioned, but yet many luxury hotels in Morocco aren't complete without their own golf course. Morocco is fast emerging as one of the leading golf destinations in the world, thanks to its perfect climate and stunning backdrops, and whilst new courses are opening regularly, Royal Golf De Marrakesh has been standing on the same spot since 1923. The course is situated at the foot of the snow capped Atlas Mountains and embellished by an aromatic blend of orange, apricot, eucalyptus and cypress trees. Winston Churchill, who described Morocco as 'simply the most beautiful spot in the world', returned to this golf course on now less than five occasions, he even brought American President, Ike Eisenhower along for a round.

Souk Shopping Sienna Style

With their fashionable take on bohemia, it isn't hard to see why Sienna Miller and Kate Moss are drawn to free-spirited Morocco. No Moroccan holiday is complete without fine-tuning your negotiation skills in one of Marrakesh's famous souks. However, if you're notoriously bad at haggling, make like Sienna and hire yourself her personal shopper, Laetitia. Laetitia fell in love with the souks during a family holiday to Morocco, and has now set up shop running a business that supplies Topshop with leather goods. Laetitia is a wealth of information on Morocco and with her knowledge you can discover hidden gems, such as a make-up shop declared a UNESCO world heritage site and the exact shop that Sienna Miller buys her bohemian belts from; she'll even barter the price down for you. Although if you're taking a luxury holiday in Morocco or are on Sienna Miller's budget, this is slightly less of a problem for you.

Staying in Angie's Luxury Hotel in Morocco

Back before Brad, and whilst filming Alexander with Colin Farrell, Angelina Jolie fell in love with Morocco. Her preferred luxury hotel in Morocco is Le Meriden N'Fis and it was whilst filming Alexander that her co-star, Colin, famously racked up at $64,000 bill. The hotel is located in Southern Marrakesh, a destination favoured by film-makers due to its low filming costs and scenic mountain views. The hotel is set in 5 hectares of gardens and the highlight for guests is the serene olive waterfalls, which have been voted the best in the country. With an overflowing swimming pool and 24-hour babysitting duties, it's no wonder that Angelina returns to this hotel again and again with Brad and the family.

Trekkings de prise au Maroc

Toutes les régions du Maroc peuvent être parcourues si vous souhaitez que l'aventure. Malheureusement, certaines régions du Maroc ont besoin d'expériences de randonnées l'été. Jbel Toubkal est le plus haut sommet de la montagne dans les montagnes de l'Atlas. Élévations expérience de chute de neige abondante en hiver. Il peut aussi se transformer très froid là-haut pendant les soirées. Pour cette raison Maroc excursions marcherons la montagne à certaines parties de l'année.

C'est seulement un sujet de préoccupation pour les personnes qui veulent l'ultime aventure. Quiconque a visité le Maroc s'imprégner de la culture peut trouver Maroc trekking toutes l'année. Ces types de visites peuvent être des randonnées d'une journée, treks au jour le jour et même quelques jours dehors dans les régions montagneuses du pays.

Une des expériences plus faciles de trekking d'avoir est la vallée de l'Ourika. Cette randonnée est de trois heures de marche, avec trois heures de conduite. Vous visiterez les villages berbères, les mines de sel et une belle cascade dans les montagnes du haut Atlas. La vallée est luxuriante de plantes et d'animaux. Si vous êtes chanceux, que vous pouvez même voir un singe de barbarie sur le trek.

Pour tous ceux qui veulent qu'une plus impliqué haut Atlas trekking séjour Imi Ourlad vers Imlil peut-être la tour droite. Ce voyage trekking sur les montagnes du haut Atlas dure trois jours avec quatre à cinq heures de marche par jour. Comme beaucoup de l'excursions de trekking, vous commencerez à Marrakech et en voiture à Imi Ourlad avant de démarrer la randonnée dans les vallées et les gorges des régions. De Imi Ourlad, il est possible d'arriver à Tizi Nlbour à 1600 mètres. Ce domaine offre une maison d'hôtes pour déjeuner appelé Imsker. Après avoir déjeuner avec une belle vue comme un compliment, vous passera à ACI Aisa. ACI Aisa est à 1400 mètres. C'est un village, avec une très longue histoire. Les traditions de la région vous aident à vous immerger dans la culture de la région.

Le lendemain, vous passez à la vallée de Imnan, Amssakrou, Arg, Ikiss et puis arrêtez dans Tinghrinn. Pendant tout ce temps, vous êtes sur ce voyage à l'affût de la faune naturelle de la région. Tinghrinn est à 2100 mètres. Le dernier jour vous ramène dans les montagnes du haut Atlas et à Marrakech. Tout le long du chemin vous apercevrez des cascades, ruisseaux et rivières en cours d'exécution, faisant équipe avec le ruissellement provenant des altitudes plus élevées. Que vous souhaitiez une randonnée d'une journée ou plusieurs jours pour découvrir le Maroc les options sont là pour vous.