Lemon meringue pie ,,Recipes Moroccan cuisine.

Recipes Moroccan cuisine.

Lemon meringue pie
Tarte au citron meringuée
For the dough **
250gr flour
125g cold butter, diced
1 egg yolk
2 Cuil.S milk
2 Cuil.S oil
2 Cuil.S sugar
1 pinch of salt

** For the lemon cream:
250ml of milk
zest and juice of one lemon
3 Cuil.S cornflour
1 egg
sugar to taste (it is better to bring out the sweet taste of lemon)

** For the lemon curd:
1 lemon (zest + juice)
50g butter
75 gr of sugar
1 egg or 2 (one is enough)
Recipe & preparation:
In a bowl put flour + butter + sugar + pinch of salt, mix with your fingertips until a dough is grainy sand. Add egg yolk + milk + oil and mix well without work and form a ball. Spread with a roll pastry on a floured surface, not too thin, put in a mold or multiple molds tarts, prick with a fork and bake. Let brown.

In addition, in a saucepan, bring the milk + egg + lemon zest + sugar + cornstarch mix well with a whisk and bring the heat, stirring constantly until thickened. take off the heat and gradually add the lemon juice while stirring. Pour the cream over the cooked pasta.

For the lemon curd, in a saucepan combine all ingredients and cook in a water bath while stirring
with a whisk until thickened, pour over the cream first.

- For the meringue, climb snow egg white, still with 2 Cuil.S powdered sugar. Pour the pie with meringue and bake in the oven just a few minutes time to bask ... Enjoy with a cup of coffee bseha wraha

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Recipes Moroccan cuisine.

Recipes Moroccan cuisine.

Chamia nut
Chamia aux noix
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped dates
1 cup of flour
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 c. tablespoons of baking powder
2 ground cloves (optional)
1/2 c. teaspoon ground cinnamon
chocolate to coat
Recipe & preparation:
- Beat the eggs with the yeast, sugar and oil
- Gently add nuts, dates and flour last: cloves and cinnamon
- Grease and flour a cake pan
- Bake in the oven at chamia 350 F (180 C) for 30 to 45 minutes
Insert a knife into the cake, if it comes out dry, is that the point is chamia
- Remove from pan and drizzle with melted chocolate before bath
- Decorate top of cake with ground walnuts.

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Ghoriba butter (Bahla) ..Food in Morocco

Ghoriba butter (Bahla)
Ghoriba au beurre (bahla)
- 500 g flour
- 100 g icing sugar
- 2 Cuil.S sesame seeds or lemon zest
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 cup of tea oil
- 1 ½ cup melted butter tea
- 1 packet of yeast cake
Recipe & preparation:
- Mix in a bowl (or a robot), flour, melted butter, oil, sesame seeds, sugar and pinch of salt. Work vigorously for a good time, this is one of the secrets of this pastry.

- Cover and refrigerate overnight, or if you prepare in the morning, cook in the late evening, it helps to have pretty good Ghoribas cracked.

- Preheat the oven. Are fabricating small balls, place them on a separate sheet and bake. Effectively monitor the cooking. Sprinkle your Ghoribas with cinnamon, if you like for more flavor and taste with a good mint tea bseha wraha.

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