Ghoriba butter (Bahla)

- 500 g flour
- 100 g icing sugar
- 2 Cuil.S sesame seeds or lemon zest
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 cup of tea oil
- 1 ½ cup melted butter tea
- 1 packet of yeast cake
Recipe & preparation:
- Mix in a bowl (or a robot), flour, melted butter, oil, sesame seeds, sugar and pinch of salt. Work vigorously for a good time, this is one of the secrets of this pastry.
- Cover and refrigerate overnight, or if you prepare in the morning, cook in the late evening, it helps to have pretty good Ghoribas cracked.
- Preheat the oven. Are fabricating small balls, place them on a separate sheet and bake. Effectively monitor the cooking. Sprinkle your Ghoribas with cinnamon, if you like for more flavor and taste with a good mint tea bseha wraha.
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