Tagine of lamb with potatoes and olives

Recipe provided by: Lisa
Origin of the recipe: Moroccan Cuisine
Number of persons: 8 Pers.
Preparation Time: 0 h 15 min
Cooking time: 1 h 00 min
Difficulty: Easy
Price: reasonable
1 kg lamb shoulder pieces
1,500 kg of potatoes with firm flesh
1 tablespoon. coffee saffron
1 pinch of ginger powder
1 pinch of cumin
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 onion
1 bunch fresh cilantro
2 tomatoes
100 g purple olives
salt and pepper
Preparation of mutton tagine with potatoes and olives:
To prepare the lamb tagine recipe with potatoes and olives:
Put the pieces of mutton in a pan, add the spices, garlic, onion, cilantro, tomatoes and seeded, salt and pepper. Cover with cold water and simmer for 1 hour from boiling.
Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes, once cooked meat, the book keeping the broth cook the potatoes simmer for about 15 minutes with olives. Them out of the broth to put in a tajine with beef broth and reduce a few minutes to get a thick sauce.
Pour over the meat and potatoes, cooked tajine do even on low heat for 10 minutes and serve hot.
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