Moroccan couscous with chicken

Recipe suggested by: Imane
Origin of the recipe: Moroccan Cuisine
Number of persons: 8 Pers.
Preparation Time: 0 h 40 min
Cooking time: 1 h 00 min
Difficulty: Easy
Price: reasonable
1 kg medium couscous, 80 cl of water
80 g of butter into pieces
1 teaspoon of salt
1 1.5 kg chicken, ready for roasting
2 teaspoons cumin seeds shave whole
250 g carrots, peeled and cut into 3 cm long
8 sprigs of fresh coriander tied in bouquet
3 liters of whole milk 250g chickpeas soaked Eve
1.5 kg pumpkin pele, get rid of the seeds and cut into large dice
2 cloves, 10 cl solution saffron
1 large onion, cut in half lengthwise
400 g zucchini, peeled and cut into 4 cm long
salt, freshly ground white pepper
Preparation of Moroccan couscous with chicken:
To prepare the couscous recipe Moroccan Chicken:
Lock the cumin seeds in a muslin tie. Prick each onion half a clove. Salt and pepper the inside and outside of the chicken. In a steamer pot, gather
chicken, onion, chickpeas, carrots, cumin and coriander bouquet.
Salt and pepper, add the milk. Bring to a boil, lower the heat and place the pot on top of the couscous in order to cook the couscous.
Put the couscous in a bowl, covered with 80 ounces of cold salted water and 2 tablespoons good oil. Mix quickly and let rise about 30 minutes.
After this time, take a large bowl, pour the semolina and roll hands a first time. Put it in the steamer over boiling water.
Close and wait 10 minutes, until the steam passes through good meal.
Take semolina, pour into large bowl, put 80 g of butter into small pieces and whisk with a fork.
Add salt, pepper and cinnamon, stir and let cool slightly. The rolling a 2nd time the mixture warm.
Cook the whole chicken, vegetables and couscous, 30 minutes on low to medium heat.
After this time, add the contents of the pot the diced pumpkin, zucchini and saffron infusion, continue cooking 25 minutes.
Make cooking chicken if it is not tender enough, take another
5 minutes. Remove chicken with a slotted spoon and cut it.
To serve, place the couscous in a large heated platter. Dig out the center and arrange the pieces of chicken surrounded by vegetables.
Remove the onion, cumin and coriander and serve milk cooked separately, in a tureen.
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