1 : Get a guide Tarifa . Make a reservation with one of the services of high speed ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar for a guided tour for 59 Euros. Not in the tourist thing ? Get over it . You can always go on your own and that you have done yourself during a return visit.
2: Start early . Tours depart at 9:00 am and 13:00 Tarifa (without Ferries visits are more often ) . Choose the crossing early and you arrive half an hour later with all morning and afternoon to you .
3 : Papers , please. You will need your passport, and you will have a form to fill out on board. You must remember to get your passport stamped before arriving in Tangier , and go through passport control on arrival in Tangier.
4: Money Matters . Make sure you have plenty of "little money" for advice and inexpensive purchases. There is a change machine on the ferry , then swallow a twenty euro bill and you will be in good shape for tips , mineral water, etc.
5: be a tourist. Once your guide and safety, your first stop will be a camel ride . It is touristy but fun , then do it , you will never forget the feeling of those long and unwieldy unfolding and folding legs under you . (2 Euros plus one for the person who helps you and your horse . Ask him to take a picture of you . )
6 : Photo Knowing label . Speaking of cameras , there are endless photo opportunities here , so keep yours handy, but ask before taking a snapshot close . The answer may be yes and a smile or a frown. You get the picture quickly.
7: Speak Up . Your guide can advise you of the medina or old town, how to greet someone (" Salam Alaikum " which means " Peace be upon you" , to which the appropriate response is " Salaam Alaikum ") , and why so streets are named Mohammed V. Of course , you can Google, but it is far better to ask a man wearing a jilbab .
8: Vive. Although Morocco is a Muslim country , tourists are not bound by the same restrictions on alcoholic beverages , do not hesitate to ask for beer or wine if you like your food. Tab of your pre-ordered , multi- course lunch is covered in the tour price, but drinks (even diet soda or juice ) , with the exception of mint tea , an additional cost . One Euro for your server and one for the group , if there is live music, will be appreciated.
9: Put your blinders . When you pass through the streets of the market area , to say nothing (not even "No, thank you ") as vendors selling coins, hats, jewelry and follow you through the winding streets. The slightest eye contact is considered as an invitation and an admission that you are interested in buying their goods.
10 : Bargain . When you are redirected to the decisions of stores needed a ride and see something interesting , you have to ask how much it is because there is no price tags . Some say you should give one tenth of the asking price , so you can work your way up. If you can not do that, get one of your group members with whom you are now friendly (you are , right?) Doing it for yourself or at least support you. As the saying goes , strength in numbers .
You 'll be back at the ferry dock and through passport control in mid- afternoon. It is time to say thank you to your guide verbally and with a few dollars , and do not forget one for your driver. You'll be on the pier in Tarifa in about four hours , a perfect time for a coffee on the terrace of the Café Bamboo and Bar . There you can delight in the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean , scroll through your digital photos, and take another look at that chunky silver and stone necklace you bought for a song.
Keep fez under wraps until you get home .
Salam Alaikum !
If you go :
Bamboo Cafe and Bar , Avenida de la Constitucion , 2 Tarifa , Spain
it Tarifa Castle , Castillo Guzmán el Bueno
Tricia Pimentel is the author of award-winning memory Rabbit Trail : How a Former Playboy Bunny found his way, and a novel, slippery slopes , which earned him a finalist position in the 2012 Royal Palm Literary Awards competition of the Florida Writers Association. A member of the Screen Actors Guild Screen and native New Yorker , she now resides in Portugal.