Morocco Today : Tan-Tan Province

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In the past few years, Tan-Tan has made enormous strides in its progress and development. The Province has become a thriving center of commerce, trade, fishing and tourism in Southern Morocco.
As privatization resources in Morocco are used in rigorously chosen projects to create additional wealth, the investment stimulation can now depend on the existence of a sound social climate and a constant improvement of the infrastructure of the region where fishing is one of two activities that give life to Tan Tan. Tourism is the other. We encourage you to join us.
His Excellency Mohamed Jelmous, Governor of the Province of Tan-Tan
We are determined to enforce concrete and investment-inducing measures and programs to stimulate productive investments in Tan-Tan. The series of measures adopted in Morocco to support the market economy, make the general atmosphere here more conducive to investments.
The speed of progress in the province of Tan Tan and its region has been exceptionally rapid recently and the foundations of the region infrastructure were developed. Most of the roads, Tan-Tan port and airport, additional hotels, restaurants sports and recreational facilities were promptly erected to cater the progressive development of all sectors of the economy in the region.
Therefore, we found it necessary, in this age of Information Technology and Electronic Media to make Tan Tan Province known to the world, not only because of the rich history and important geographic location of the Province, a fact that has its important significance and we have to make it known to the world, but also because of the huge potentialities of the region unknown so far to investors and to the international business community, and finally because of all the incentives the investment system provides for those who would like to participate in the construction of this Grande future regional capital of the South.
All indicators show that the next phase of the Province development program provides a good business environment for the private sector, with a significant role for the private business and industry to contribute effectively to the development of Tan-Tan. With the support and participation local and regional authorities and the private sector, we can compete with the rest of the tourism and business capitals and enter a new era secure in the knowledge that Tan-Tan will be a truly global and dynamic business and investment center and the future Grande regional capital of the South.
Tan-Tan is adopting a vigorous investment promotion policy to pursue its goals of accelerated economic growth in additional to the traditional activities related to trade, transport, tourism and fishing. Efforts will continue to further expand and upgrade the Province's infrastructure in keeping with the growing needs of the economy. Areas that would receive special attention are the airport, the port, roads, electricity and water, transportation, housing and urban services. Programs and policies would be adopted to maintain good environment conditions in the Province. A better public awareness about the environment will be created through special campaigns and education.
Information technology is fast developing into he world and its use in trade and industry, economic and financial analysis, administration and management is extremely beneficial. We give a very high priority on its development in the region as well as its applications in order too improve the quality of products and services as well as the efficiency of trade and industry. and efforts are made to put this information technology industry on a sound footing in the Province.